import {
} from "three" ;
import { MapControls } from "three/examples/jsm/controls/MapControls.js" ;
import Extent from "@giro3d/giro3d/core/geographic/Extent.js" ;
import Instance from "@giro3d/giro3d/core/Instance.js" ;
import ColorLayer from "@giro3d/giro3d/core/layer/ColorLayer.js" ;
import ElevationLayer from "@giro3d/giro3d/core/layer/ElevationLayer.js" ;
import Map from "@giro3d/giro3d/entities/Map.js" ;
import Tiles3D from "@giro3d/giro3d/entities/Tiles3D.js" ;
import BilFormat from "@giro3d/giro3d/formats/BilFormat.js" ;
import Inspector from "@giro3d/giro3d/gui/Inspector.js" ;
import WmtsSource from "@giro3d/giro3d/sources/WmtsSource.js" ;
import { bindDropDown } from "./widgets/bindDropDown" ;
import { bindSlider } from "./widgets/bindSlider" ;
import { bindToggle } from "./widgets/bindToggle" ;
Instance. registerCRS (
"EPSG:2154" ,
"+proj=lcc +lat_0=46.5 +lon_0=3 +lat_1=49 +lat_2=44 +x_0=700000 +y_0=6600000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs" ,
Instance. registerCRS (
'GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]]' ,
const extent = new Extent (
"EPSG:2154" ,
- 111629.52 ,
1275028.84 ,
5976033.79 ,
7230161.64 ,
const instance = new Instance ({
target: "view" ,
backgroundColor: 0xcccccc ,
instance.renderingOptions.enableEDL = true ;
instance.renderingOptions.enableInpainting = true ;
instance.renderingOptions.enablePointCloudOcclusion = true ;
const map = new Map ({
backgroundColor: "gray" ,
lighting: {
enabled: true ,
elevationLayersOnly: true ,
}); = "map" ;
instance. add (map);
const noDataValue = - 1000 ;
const capabilitiesUrl =
"" ;
WmtsSource. fromCapabilities (capabilitiesUrl, {
format: new BilFormat (),
. then (( elevationWmts ) => {
map. addLayer (
new ElevationLayer ({
name: "wmts_elevation" ,
extent: map.extent,
// We don't need the full resolution of terrain because we are not using any shading
resolutionFactor: 0.25 ,
minmax: { min: 0 , max: 5000 },
noDataOptions: {
replaceNoData: false ,
source: elevationWmts,
. catch (console.error);
WmtsSource. fromCapabilities (capabilitiesUrl, {
. then (( orthophotoWmts ) => {
map. addLayer (
new ColorLayer ({
name: "wmts_orthophotos" ,
extent: map.extent,
source: orthophotoWmts,
. catch (console.error);
// Create the 3D tiles entity
const pointcloud = new Tiles3D ({
url: "" ,
}); = "point cloud" ;
instance. add (pointcloud);
// Add a sunlight
const sun = new DirectionalLight ( "#ffffff" , 1.4 );
sun.position. set ( - 1 , - 2 , 1 ). normalize ();
sun. updateMatrixWorld ( true );
instance.scene. add (sun);
// We can look below the floor, so let's light also a bit there
const sun2 = new DirectionalLight ( "#ffffff" , 0.5 );
sun2.position. set ( 0 , 1 , 1 );
sun2. updateMatrixWorld ();
instance.scene. add (sun2);
// Add an ambient light
const ambientLight = new AmbientLight ( 0xffffff , 0.2 );
instance.scene. add (ambientLight);
const cube = new Mesh (
new BoxGeometry ( 300 , 300 , 300 ),
new MeshLambertMaterial ({ color: "blue" }),
); = "cube" ;
cube.position. set ( 913741 , 6459089 , 369 );
instance. add (cube);
cube. updateMatrixWorld ( true );
const lookAt = new Vector3 ( 913896 , 6459191 , 200 ); set (
913349.2364044407 ,
6456426.459171033 ,
1706.0108044011636 ,
); lookAt (lookAt);
const controls = new MapControls (, instance.domElement); copy (lookAt);
controls. saveState ();
controls.enableDamping = true ;
controls.dampingFactor = 0.2 ;
instance.view. setControls (controls);
const markerMaterial = new MeshLambertMaterial ({
color: "red" ,
const markerGroup = new Group ();
instance. add (markerGroup);
const options = {
gpuPicking: false ,
showMarkers: true ,
pickPointCloudOnly: false ,
pickMapOnly: false ,
radius: 0 ,
limit: 0 ,
pickEvent: "mousemove" ,
bindDropDown ( "pickEvent" , ( v ) => (options.pickEvent = v));
bindToggle ( "gpuPicking" , ( v ) => (options.gpuPicking = v));
bindToggle ( "showMarkers" , ( v ) => {
options.showMarkers = v;
if ( ! v) {
markerGroup. clear ();
instance. notifyChange ();
bindToggle ( "pickMap" , ( v ) => (options.pickMapOnly = v));
bindToggle ( "pickPointCloud" , ( v ) => (options.pickPointCloudOnly = v));
bindSlider ( "radius" , ( v ) => (options.radius = v));
bindSlider ( "limit" , ( v ) => (options.limit = v));
function updateResultTable ( pickResults ) {
const table = document. getElementById ( "table" );
const resultList = document. getElementById ( "results" );
resultList.innerHTML = "" ;
function column ( content ) {
const col = document. createElement ( "td" );
col.innerHTML = content;
return col;
const emptyWarning = document. getElementById ( "emptyWarning" );
if (pickResults. length > 0 ) { = "none" ; = "unset" ;
} else { = "unset" ; = "none" ;
for ( let index = 0 ; index < pickResults. length ; index ++ ) {
const pickResult = pickResults[index];
const tr = document. createElement ( "tr" );
// result #
tr. appendChild ( column ( `${ index }` ));
// entity
const entity = pickResult.entity;
tr. appendChild (
column (entity ? `<code>${ pickResult . entity ?. name }</code>` : "none" ),
// picked object
const type = pickResult.object.type;
tr. appendChild (
column ( `<span class="badge rounded-pill text-bg-primary">${ type }</span>` ),
const point = pickResult.point;
// X, Y, Z coordinates of point
tr. appendChild ( column (point.x. toFixed ( 0 )));
tr. appendChild ( column (point.y. toFixed ( 0 )));
tr. appendChild ( column (point.z. toFixed ( 0 )));
resultList. appendChild (tr);
const sphere = new SphereGeometry ( 8 );
function performPicking ( mouseEvent ) {
// Determine which entities to include
let where = [];
if (options.pickMapOnly) {
where. push (map);
if (options.pickPointCloudOnly) {
where. push (pointcloud);
const pickOptions = {
limit: options.limit === 0 ? undefined : options.limit,
radius: options.radius,
gpuPicking: options.gpuPicking,
where: where. length > 0 ? where : undefined ,
sortByDistance: true ,
const start = performance. now ();
const results = instance. pickObjectsAt (mouseEvent, pickOptions);
const end = performance. now ();
document. getElementById ( "latency" ).innerText =
`Latency: ${ ( end - start ). toFixed ( 1 ) } ms` ;
const noRaycast = () => {};
if (options.showMarkers && results. length > 0 ) {
const position = results[ 0 ].point;
const marker = new Mesh (sphere, markerMaterial);
// Disable raycasting on markers to avoid picking them.
marker.raycast = noRaycast;
if (markerGroup.children. length > 30 ) {
const removed = markerGroup.children. splice (
0 ,
markerGroup.children. length - 30 ,
removed. forEach (( item ) => item. removeFromParent ());
// - In the case of CPU picking, the Z value is simply the Z-coordinate of
// the picked point, which itself is affected by the scale of the scene.
// - In the case of GPU picking, the Z value is sampled from the texture, unaffected
// by the scale of the scene. That is why we have to apply the scene scale to obtain the
// correct world space coordinate.
if (options.gpuPicking) {
position. multiply (instance.scene.scale);
marker.position. copy (position);
// Notice we use attach instead of add so that world position is
// preserved in case of non-default scale.
markerGroup. attach (marker);
marker. updateMatrixWorld ( true );
instance. notifyChange ();
updateResultTable (results);
function onMouseMove ( mouseEvent ) {
if (options.pickEvent === "mousemove" ) {
performPicking (mouseEvent);
function onMouseClick ( mouseEvent ) {
if (options.pickEvent === "click" ) {
performPicking (mouseEvent);
bindSlider ( "zScaleSlider" , ( v ) => {
document. getElementById ( "zScaleLabel" ).innerText =
`Z-scale = ${ v . toFixed ( 1 ) }` ;
instance.scene.scale. setZ (v);
instance.scene. updateMatrixWorld ( true );
instance. notifyChange (map);
instance.domElement. addEventListener ( "mousemove" , onMouseMove);
instance.domElement. addEventListener ( "click" , onMouseClick);
instance.scene. updateMatrixWorld ( true );
instance. notifyChange ();
Inspector. attach ( "inspector" , instance);