Display a 3D Tiles building converted from a IFC file with py3dtiles.
Add and remove layers in a Map.
Display a massive point cloud by aggregating dozens of datasets.
Create maps with arbitrary extents.
Illustrates the use of the AxisGrid entity.
Illustrates the use of the camera-controls plugin.
Clip various entities with clipping planes.
Display a fully underwater elevation layer.
Select which bands to view on GeoTIFFs with multiple bands.
Display a color COG in various color spaces.
Display an elevation GeoTIFF with a color map.
Display an elevation COG and discard no-data values.
Illustrates no-data elimination at the edges of a dataset after reprojection.
Set brightness, constrast, and saturation on color layers and maps.
Illustrates colorization of point clouds with multiple modes.
Use colormaps to emphasize elevation and terrain features.
Use contour lines to display elevation levels.
Display a Cloud optimized point cloud
Check that an elevation COG works correctly at the edge of the map.
Transform objects using position, rotation and scale.
Draw vectors and add them to a map layer
Enables the user to draw points, lines and polygons.
Limit the display of a color layer or a map within an elevation range.
Illustrates the automatic reprojection of vectors to match the instance's CRS.
Use first person controls to move in the scene
Display a map with elevation.
Display a graticule on a Map.
Illustrate the use of hillshading on maps with terrain.
Display HTML labels in the 3D scene.
Use data sources provided by the french geographic provider (IGN).
Display the inspector with a custom panel.
Help to test if Giro3D correctly deallocates memory.
Display a LAS/LAZ file.
Assign various blending modes to a color layer.
Move layers up and down in the map.
Reproject layers with heterogenous coordinate systems.
Stress test a map with many color layers.
The layer is updated when the style changes.
Display Giro3D scenes in with different layouts (flex, sticky, fixed, etc.).
Display a point cloud from the Lidar HD project. Colorized with a WMS layer.
Create an elevation profile using a Map and a path.
Illustrates how transparency in maps work.
Apply a vertical exaggeration on a scene.
Illustrates the use of mask layers.
Illustrates the use of a secondary Giro3D instance to display a minimap.
Display Vector data on a Map using vector sources.
Display a TopoJSON file on a Map.
Display an OpenStreetMap layer on a Map.
Illustrates the use of layers partially overlapping their parent Map.
Pick objects with various methods (GPU picking, raycasting...)
Display color and elevation Mapbox tilesets.
Drape vector data on a map.
Display a classified point cloud.
Visualize point cloud intensity with a colormap.
Display a 3D Tiles point cloud.
Display a Potree point cloud.
Sample elevation at various points in the map.
Display multiple maps that share the same layer.
Illustrates how textures are allocated when layers have a lot of empty areas.
Display a single image on a Map with a StaticImageSource.
Load models directly from a Three.js loader (skinned mesh in this instance).
Display a map with TMS TIFF tiles in Float32 format.
Query progress of processing tasks with the .progress and .loading APIs.
A canvas with a transparent background.
Illustrates various types of opacity (map, map background, and layer)
Display GeoJSON files as meshes and symbols.
Display Vector Tiles on a Map using OpenLayers.
Display a WFS layer on a Map.
Display features from a WFS source as 3D meshes
Display a WMTS layer on a Map.