Adds geospatial capabilities to three.js cameras.


  • Parameters

    • crs: string

      the CRS of this camera

    • width: number

      the width in pixels of the camera viewport

    • height: number

      the height in pixels of the camera viewport

    • options: CameraOptions = {}

      optional values

    Returns Camera


camera3D: OrthographicCamera | PerspectiveCamera
height: number
width: number


  • get maxFarPlane(): number
  • Gets or sets the maximum distance allowed for the camera far plane.

    Returns number

  • set maxFarPlane(distance): void
  • Parameters

    • distance: number

    Returns void

  • get minNearPlane(): number
  • Gets or sets the minimum distance allowed for the camera near plane.

    Returns number

  • set minNearPlane(distance): void
  • Parameters

    • distance: number

    Returns void


  • Parameters

    • box3: Box3
    • matrixWorld: Matrix4

    Returns Box3

  • Parameters

    • box3: Box3
    • matrixWorld: Matrix4

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • sphere: Sphere
    • matrixWorld: Matrix4

    Returns boolean

  • Return the position in the requested CRS, or in camera's CRS if undefined.


    • Optional crs: string

      if defined (e.g 'EPSG:4236') the camera position will be returned in this CRS

    Returns Coordinates

    Coordinates object holding camera's position

  • Resets the near and far planes to their default value.

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • Optional width: number
    • Optional height: number

    Returns void