Provides data from a Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG).

Hierarchy (view full)



containsFn: CustomContainsFn
crs: string
datatype: TextureDataType

Gets the datatype of images generated by this source.

flipY: boolean

Gets whether images generated from this source should be flipped vertically.

isCogSource: boolean = true
isImageSource: boolean = true
type: string
url: string
version: number


  • get colorSpace(): ColorSpace
  • Gets the color space of the textures generated by this source.

    Returns ColorSpace


  • Parameters

    • requestExtent: Extent

      The request extent.

    • requestWidth: number

      The width, in pixels, of the request extent.

    • requestHeight: number

      The height, in pixels, of the request extent.

    • margin: number = 0

      The margin, in pixels.

    Returns {
        extent: Extent;
        height: number;
        width: number;

    The adjusted parameters.

    • extent: Extent
    • height: number
    • width: number
  • Gets whether this source contains the specified extent. If a custom contains function is provided, it will be used. Otherwise, intersects is used.

    This method is mainly used to discard non-relevant requests (i.e don't process regions that are not relevant to this source).


    • extent: Extent

      The extent to test.

    Returns boolean

  • Gets the images for the specified extent and pixel size.


    • options: {
          extent: Extent;
          height: number;
          id: string;
          signal?: AbortSignal;
          width: number;

      The options.

      • extent: Extent
      • height: number
      • id: string
      • Optional signal?: AbortSignal
      • width: number

    Returns {
        id: string;
        request: (() => Promise<ImageResult>);

    An array containing the functions to generate the images asynchronously.

  • Test the intersection between the specified extent and this source's extent. This method may be overriden to perform special logic.


    • extent: Extent

      The extent to test.

    Returns boolean

    true if the extent and this source extent intersects, false otherwise.

  • Attemps to compute the exact extent of the TIFF image.


    • crs: string

      The CRS.

    • tiffImage: GeoTIFFImage

      The TIFF image.

    Returns Extent