interface RenderTargetOptions {
    anisotropy?: number;
    colorSpace?: string;
    count?: number;
    depthBuffer?: boolean;
    depthTexture?: null | DepthTexture;
    format?: number;
    generateMipmaps?: boolean;
    internalFormat?: null | PixelFormatGPU;
    magFilter?: MagnificationTextureFilter;
    minFilter?: MinificationTextureFilter;
    resolveDepthBuffer?: boolean;
    resolveStencilBuffer?: boolean;
    samples?: number;
    stencilBuffer?: boolean;
    type?: TextureDataType;
    wrapS?: Wrapping;
    wrapT?: Wrapping;


anisotropy?: number
colorSpace?: string
count?: number
depthBuffer?: boolean
depthTexture?: null | DepthTexture
format?: number
generateMipmaps?: boolean
internalFormat?: null | PixelFormatGPU
resolveDepthBuffer?: boolean
resolveStencilBuffer?: boolean
samples?: number

Defines the count of MSAA samples. Can only be used with WebGL 2. Default is 0.

stencilBuffer?: boolean
wrapS?: Wrapping
wrapT?: Wrapping