Create a new instance of THREE.InterleavedBufferAttribute | InterleavedBufferAttribute.
normalized: booleanDefault false
The InterleavedBuffer instance passed in the constructor.
isRead-only flag to check if a given object is of type InterleavedBufferAttribute.
How many values make up each item.
Optional name for this attribute instance.
The offset in the underlying array buffer where an item starts.
Flag to indicate that the .data (InterleavedBuffer) attribute has changed and should be re-sent to the GPU.
Setting this to have the same result of setting true also increments the InterleavedBuffer.needsUpdate of .data.
Creates a clone of this InterleavedBufferAttribute.
data: {}This object holds shared array buffers required for properly cloning geometries with interleaved attributes.
Serializes this InterleavedBufferAttribute. Converting to JSON Geometry format v4,
data: {}This object holds shared array buffers required for properly serializing geometries with interleaved attributes.