Interface HillshadingOptions

Options for map hillshading.

interface HillshadingOptions {
    azimuth?: number;
    elevationLayersOnly?: boolean;
    enabled?: boolean;
    intensity?: number;
    zFactor?: number;
    zenith?: number;


azimuth?: number

The azimuth of the sunlight direction, in degrees (0 = north, 180 = south, etc.). Default is 135.

elevationLayersOnly?: boolean

If true, only elevation layers are shaded leaving the color layers unshaded. Default is false.

enabled?: boolean

Enables hillshading.

intensity?: number

The intensity of the shade (0 = no shade, 1 = completely opaque shade). Default is 1.

zFactor?: number

The z-factor (vertical exaggeration) to apply to slopes before computing shading.

zenith?: number

The vertical angle of the sun, in degrees. (90 = zenith). Default is 45.