    | "ALPHA"
    | "RGB"
    | "RGBA"
    | "R8"
    | "R8_SNORM"
    | "R8I"
    | "R8UI"
    | "R16I"
    | "R16UI"
    | "R16F"
    | "R32I"
    | "R32UI"
    | "R32F"
    | "RG8"
    | "RG8_SNORM"
    | "RG8I"
    | "RG8UI"
    | "RG16I"
    | "RG16UI"
    | "RG16F"
    | "RG32I"
    | "RG32UI"
    | "RG32F"
    | "RGB565"
    | "RGB8"
    | "RGB8_SNORM"
    | "RGB8I"
    | "RGB8UI"
    | "RGB16I"
    | "RGB16UI"
    | "RGB16F"
    | "RGB32I"
    | "RGB32UI"
    | "RGB32F"
    | "RGB9_E5"
    | "SRGB8"
    | "R11F_G11F_B10F"
    | "RGBA4"
    | "RGBA8"
    | "RGBA8_SNORM"
    | "RGBA8I"
    | "RGBA8UI"
    | "RGBA16I"
    | "RGBA16UI"
    | "RGBA16F"
    | "RGBA32I"
    | "RGBA32UI"
    | "RGBA32F"
    | "RGB5_A1"
    | "RGB10_A2"
    | "RGB10_A2UI"
    | "SRGB8_ALPHA8"
    | "SRGB8"
    | "DEPTH24_STENCIL8"

For use with a texture's THREE.Texture.internalFormat property, these define how elements of a THREE.Texture, or texels, are stored on the GPU.

  • R8 stores the red component on 8 bits.
  • R8_SNORM stores the red component on 8 bits. The component is stored as normalized.
  • R8I stores the red component on 8 bits. The component is stored as an integer.
  • R8UI stores the red component on 8 bits. The component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  • R16I stores the red component on 16 bits. The component is stored as an integer.
  • R16UI stores the red component on 16 bits. The component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  • R16F stores the red component on 16 bits. The component is stored as floating point.
  • R32I stores the red component on 32 bits. The component is stored as an integer.
  • R32UI stores the red component on 32 bits. The component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  • R32F stores the red component on 32 bits. The component is stored as floating point.
  • RG8 stores the red and green components on 8 bits each.
  • RG8_SNORM stores the red and green components on 8 bits each. Every component is stored as normalized.
  • RG8I stores the red and green components on 8 bits each. Every component is stored as an integer.
  • RG8UI stores the red and green components on 8 bits each. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  • RG16I stores the red and green components on 16 bits each. Every component is stored as an integer.
  • RG16UI stores the red and green components on 16 bits each. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  • RG16F stores the red and green components on 16 bits each. Every component is stored as floating point.
  • RG32I stores the red and green components on 32 bits each. Every component is stored as an integer.
  • RG32UI stores the red and green components on 32 bits. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  • RG32F stores the red and green components on 32 bits. Every component is stored as floating point.
  • RGB8 stores the red, green, and blue components on 8 bits each. RGB8_SNORM` stores the red, green, and blue components on 8 bits each. Every component is stored as normalized.
  • RGB8I stores the red, green, and blue components on 8 bits each. Every component is stored as an integer.
  • RGB8UI stores the red, green, and blue components on 8 bits each. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  • RGB16I stores the red, green, and blue components on 16 bits each. Every component is stored as an integer.
  • RGB16UI stores the red, green, and blue components on 16 bits each. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  • RGB16F stores the red, green, and blue components on 16 bits each. Every component is stored as floating point
  • RGB32I stores the red, green, and blue components on 32 bits each. Every component is stored as an integer.
  • RGB32UI stores the red, green, and blue components on 32 bits each. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  • RGB32F stores the red, green, and blue components on 32 bits each. Every component is stored as floating point
  • R11F_G11F_B10F stores the red, green, and blue components respectively on 11 bits, 11 bits, and 10bits. Every component is stored as floating point.
  • RGB565 stores the red, green, and blue components respectively on 5 bits, 6 bits, and 5 bits.
  • RGB9_E5 stores the red, green, and blue components on 9 bits each.
  • RGBA8 stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 8 bits each.
  • RGBA8_SNORM stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 8 bits. Every component is stored as normalized.
  • RGBA8I stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 8 bits each. Every component is stored as an integer.
  • RGBA8UI stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 8 bits. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  • RGBA16I stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 16 bits. Every component is stored as an integer.
  • RGBA16UI stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 16 bits. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  • RGBA16F stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 16 bits. Every component is stored as floating point.
  • RGBA32I stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 32 bits. Every component is stored as an integer.
  • RGBA32UI stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 32 bits. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  • RGBA32F stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 32 bits. Every component is stored as floating point.
  • RGB5_A1 stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components respectively on 5 bits, 5 bits, 5 bits, and 1 bit.
  • RGB10_A2 stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components respectively on 10 bits, 10 bits, 10 bits and 2 bits.
  • RGB10_A2UI stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components respectively on 10 bits, 10 bits, 10 bits and 2 bits. Every component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  • SRGB8 stores the red, green, and blue components on 8 bits each.
  • SRGB8_ALPHA8 stores the red, green, blue, and alpha components on 8 bits each.
  • DEPTH_COMPONENT16 stores the depth component on 16bits.
  • DEPTH_COMPONENT24 stores the depth component on 24bits.
  • DEPTH_COMPONENT32F stores the depth component on 32bits. The component is stored as floating point.
  • DEPTH24_STENCIL8 stores the depth, and stencil components respectively on 24 bits and 8 bits. The stencil component is stored as an unsigned integer.
  • DEPTH32F_STENCIL8 stores the depth, and stencil components respectively on 32 bits and 8 bits. The depth component is stored as floating point, and the stencil component as an unsigned integer.

Note that the texture must have the correct THREE.Texture.type set, as well as the correct THREE.Texture.format.

  • WebGLRenderingContext.texImage2D and WebGLRenderingContext.texImage3D for more details regarding the possible combination of THREE.Texture.format, THREE.Texture.internalFormat, and THREE.Texture.type.
  • WebGL2 Specification and OpenGL ES 3.0 Specification For more in-depth information regarding internal formats.