Simple geometry object for drawing.

Instanciated via DrawTool, but can also be added to DrawingCollection to view and edit simple geometries.


  • Group
    • Drawing



isDrawing: boolean = true


  • get extrudeDepth(): number
  • Computed extrude depth, based on the geometry and min/max parameters

    Returns number

  • get use3Dpoints(): boolean
  • Returns whether we're rendering points as 3D objects or not

    Returns boolean

  • set use3Dpoints(value): void
  • Updates the rendering of points. You'll need to call instance.notifyChange() to notify the changes.


    • value: boolean

    Returns void


  • Removes all child objects. You'll need to call instance.notifyChange() to notify the changes.

    Returns this

  • Forces update from the coordinates. You'll need to call instance.notifyChange() to notify the changes.

    Returns void

  • Sets the shape to draw. You'll need to call instance.notifyChange() to notify the changes.


    • coordinates: number[]

      Array of flat coordinates

    • geometryType: DrawingGeometryType

      Type of geometry

    Returns void

  • Sets the shape to draw. You'll need to call instance.notifyChange() to notify the changes.


    • geojson: Geometry

      GeoJSON shape to draw

    Returns void

  • Gets the current GeoJSON corresponding to this shape.

    Returns null if the shape is empty.

    Returns Geometry

    GeoJSON geometry object