add_remove_layers example thumbnail
Add / Remove layers

Add and remove layers in a Map.

arbitrary_map_extents example thumbnail
Arbitrary map extents

Create maps with arbitrary extents.

axisgrid example thumbnail

Illustrates the use of the AxisGrid entity.

camera_controls example thumbnail
Custom controls

Uses yomotsu/camera-controls with keyboard events, orbiting on right-click and custom Inspector pane

clipping_planes example thumbnail
Clipping planes

Illustrate clipping planes usage with entities such as point clouds and maps.

cog_channel_mapping example thumbnail
COG image manipulation

Select which bands to view on COGs with multiple bands.

cog_color example thumbnail
Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG)

Display a color COG in various color spaces.

cog_elevation example thumbnail
Elevation COG

Display an elevation COG with a color map.

cog_nodata example thumbnail
No-data elimination

Display an elevation COG and discard no-data values.

cog_nodata_reprojection example thumbnail
No-data elimination after reprojection

Illustrates no-data elimination at the edges of a dataset after reprojection.

color_adjustments example thumbnail
Color Adjustment

Illustrates adjusting brightness, constrast, and saturation on color layers and a maps.

colorized_pointcloud example thumbnail
Colorized 3D Tiles Point Cloud

Colorize a point cloud with an image layer.

colormaps example thumbnail
Color maps

Create color maps to interpret elevation, slope and aspect with custom color ramps.

contour_lines example thumbnail
Contour lines

A map with elevation contour lines

cropped_cog_elevation example thumbnail
Cropped Elevation COG

Ensures that an elevation COG is properly displayed at the edges of the map.

cubic_planar example thumbnail
3D Transformations

Transform objects using position, rotation and scale.

drawtool example thumbnail
Draw shapes

Enables the user to draw points, lines and polygons.

elevation_ranges example thumbnail
Elevation ranges

Limit the display of a color layer or a map within an elevation range.

feature_collection_reprojection example thumbnail
Reprojection of features as mesh

Display a map in EPGS:2154 with geojson as mesh in various CRS, showing reprojection capabilities of FeatureCollection

first_person_controls example thumbnail
First Person Controls

Use first person controls to move in the scene

getting-started example thumbnail
2.5D Map

Display a 2.5D map with elevation. This is the example used in the Getting started tutorial.

graticule example thumbnail

Display a graticule on a Map.

hillshade example thumbnail
Hillshading & terrain

Enable hillshading and set sunlight azimuth and angle, as well as terrain deformation.

htmllabels example thumbnail
HTML labels

Display HTML labels in the 3D scene.

ign_data example thumbnail
IGN data

Display a map of France with various IGN datasets (elevation, extruded WFS and orthophotography).

inspector example thumbnail

Display the inspector with a custom panel.

instance_disposing example thumbnail
Dispose instance

Help to test if Giro3D correctly deallocates memory.

layer_ordering example thumbnail
Change layer order

Move layers up and down in the map.

layer_reprojection example thumbnail
Layer reprojection

Illustrates the reprojection of layers to match the coordinate system of the instance.

layer_stress_test example thumbnail
Color layer stress test

Stress test a map with many color layers.

layer_update example thumbnail
Dynamic layer updates

The layer is updated when the style changes.

layouts example thumbnail
Multiple instances in different layouts

Displays multiples instances with different layouts (flex, sticky, fixed, etc.).

lidar_hd example thumbnail
Pointcloud from IGN Lidar HD

Display a subset of the Lidar HD dataset colorized with WMS imagery, converted with py3dtiles

map_transparency_stack example thumbnail
Stacking transparent maps

Illustrates how transparency in maps work.

mask_layer example thumbnail
Mask layers

Illustrates the use of mask layers.

minimap example thumbnail

Illustrates the use of a secondary Giro3D instance to display a minimap.

ol_vector example thumbnail
Vector sources

Display Vector data on a Map using vector sources.

partial_layer example thumbnail
Partial layers

Illustrates the use of layers partially overlapping their parent Map.

picking example thumbnail

Pick objects with various methods (GPU picking, raycasting...)

planar_mapbox example thumbnail
Mapbox tilesets

Display a 2.5D map with a Mapbox Terrain RGB tileset and a Mapbox satellite tileset.

planar_vector example thumbnail
Native Vector Data

Display vector data (KML, GeoJSON, GPX, GML) using the native Giro3D loaders.

pointcloud example thumbnail
3D Tiles Point Cloud

Display a 3D Tiles point cloud.

potree_pointcloud example thumbnail
Potree Point Cloud

Display a Potree point cloud.

share_layers_between_maps example thumbnail
Share layer between maps

Display multiple maps that share the same layer.

three_loader example thumbnail
Three.js loaders

Load models directly from a Three.js loader (skinned mesh in this instance).

tifftiles example thumbnail
32-bit TIFF elevation tiles

Display a map with TMS TIFF tiles in Float32 format.

tracking_progress example thumbnail
Tracking progress

Track progress of data loading at various levels of the instance hierarchy.

transparent_background example thumbnail
Transparent canvas background

A canvas with a transparent background.

transparent_map_bg example thumbnail
Types of opacity

Illustrates various types of opacity (map, map background, and layer)

vector_tile example thumbnail
Vector Tiles With OpenLayers

Display Vector Tiles on a Map using OpenLayers.

wfs example thumbnail

Display a WFS layer.

wfs_mesh example thumbnail
WFS as 3D meshes

Display features from a WFS source as 3D meshes

wmts example thumbnail
WMTS layer

Display a WMTS layer on a Map.