Interface MapPickResult<TFeature>

Pick result on tiles (e.g. map)

Type Parameters

  • TFeature = unknown



batchId?: number

Coordinates of the point picked.

distance: number

Distance from the camera to the picked result.

distanceToRay?: number

Entity picked

face?: Face

Intersected face

faceIndex?: number

Index of the intersected face

features?: TFeature[]

Features picked (if pickFeatures enabled).

index?: number
instanceId?: number

The index number of the instance where the ray intersects the THREE.InstancedMesh | InstancedMesh

isMapPickResult: true
normal?: Vector3
object: TileMesh

Tile containing the picked result.

point: Vector3

Point picked.

pointOnLine?: Vector3
uv?: Vector2
uv1?: Vector2

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