Giro3D and Piero are sponsored by the following organizations:
My Digital Buildings
“Giro3D makes excellent technical choices, notably by integrating the open 3D Tiles format and by allowing the Coordinates Reference System to be declared for all spatial data.
The viewer is extremely powerful, so it's only natural that we should support this project.”

BPI France
BPI France

France Relance
Funded by the European Union - Next Generation EU as part of the France Relance plan
France Relance NextGenerationEU
La Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Funded by La Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes through a R&D Booster project

Agence du numérique des forces de sécurité intérieure
If you wish to sponsor Giro3D and Piero, you can contact us at infos+3d@oslandia.com.