The instance is the core component of Giro3D. It encapsulates the 3D scene, the current camera and one or more entities, such as a Map.

// Create a Giro3D instance in the EPSG:3857 coordinate system:
const instance = new Instance({
target: 'view',
crs: 'EPSG:3857',

const map = new Map(...);

// Add an entity to the instance

// Bind an event listener on double click
instance.domElement.addEventListener('dblclick', () => console.log('double click!'));

// Get the camera position
const position =;

// Set the camera position to be located 10,000 meters above the center of the coordinate system., 0, 10000);;

Hierarchy (view full)




  • get css2DRenderer(): CSS2DRenderer
  • Gets the underlying CSS2DRenderer.

    Returns CSS2DRenderer

  • get domElement(): HTMLCanvasElement
  • Gets the canvas that this instance renders into.

    Returns HTMLCanvasElement

  • get loading(): boolean
  • Gets whether at least one entity is currently loading data.

    Returns boolean

  • get progress(): number
  • Gets the progress (between 0 and 1) of the processing of the entire instance. This is the average of the progress values of all entities. Note: This value is only meaningful is loading is true. Note: if no entity is present in the instance, this will always return 1.

    Returns number

  • get referenceCrs(): string
  • Gets the CRS used in this instance.

    Returns string

  • get viewport(): HTMLDivElement
  • Gets the DOM element that contains the Giro3D viewport.

    Returns HTMLDivElement


  • Add THREE object or Entity to the instance. The entity id must be unique.

    Type Parameters


    • object: T

      the object to add

    Returns Promise<T>

    a promise resolved with the new layer object when it is fully initialized or rejected if any error occurred.


    // Add Map to instance
    instance.add(new Map(...);

    // Add Map to instance then wait for the map to be ready.
    instance.add(new Map(...).then(...);
  • Convert canvas coordinates to normalized device coordinates (NDC).


    • canvasCoords: Vector2

      (in pixels, 0-0 = top-left of the instance)

    • target: Vector2

      The target to set with the result.

    Returns Vector2

    NDC coordinates (x and y are [-1, 1])

  • Dispose of this instance object. Free all memory used.

    Note: this will not dispose the following reusable objects:

    • controls (because they can be attached and detached). For THREE.js controls, use controls.dispose()
    • Inspectors, use inspector.detach()
    • any openlayers objects, please see their individual documentation

    Returns void

  • Extract canvas coordinates from a mouse-event / touch-event.


    • event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent

      event can be a MouseEvent or a TouchEvent

    • target: Vector2

      The target to set with the result.

    • touchIdx: number = 0

      Touch index when using a TouchEvent (default: 0)

    Returns Vector2

    canvas coordinates (in pixels, 0-0 = top-left of the instance)

  • Extract normalized coordinates (NDC) from a mouse-event / touch-event.


    • event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent

      event can be a MouseEvent or a TouchEvent

    • target: Vector2

      The target to set with the result.

    • touchIdx: number = 0

      Touch index when using a TouchEvent (default: 0)

    Returns Vector2

    NDC coordinates (x and y are [-1, 1])

  • Convert NDC coordinates to canvas coordinates.


    • ndcCoords: Vector2

      The NDC coordinates to convert

    • target: Vector2

      The target to set with the result.

    Returns Vector2

    canvas coordinates (in pixels, 0-0 = top-left of the instance)

  • Notifies the scene it needs to be updated due to changes exterior to the scene itself (e.g. camera movement). non-interactive events (e.g: texture loaded)


    • changeSources: unknown = undefined

      The source(s) of the change. Might be a single object or an array.

    • Optional options: {
          immediate?: boolean;
          needsRedraw?: boolean;

      Notification options.

      • Optional immediate?: boolean

        Should the update be immediate? If false, the update is deferred to the next animation frame.

        Default Value

      • Optional needsRedraw?: boolean

        Should we render the scene?

        Default Value


    Returns void

  • Return objects from some layers/objects3d under the mouse in this instance.


    • mouseOrEvt: Vector2 | MouseEvent | TouchEvent

      mouse position in window coordinates, i.e [0, 0] = top-left, or MouseEvent or TouchEvent

    • options: PickObjectsAtOptions = {}


    Returns PickResult<unknown>[]

    An array of objects. Each element contains at least an object property which is the Object3D under the cursor. Then depending on the queried layer/source, there may be additionnal properties (coming from THREE.Raycaster for instance). If options.pickFeatures if true, features property may be set.

    instance.pickObjectsAt(mouseEvent, { radius: 1, where: [entity0, entity1] })
    instance.pickObjectsAt(mouseEvent, { radius: 3, where: [entity0] })
  • Registers a new coordinate reference system. This should be done before creating the instance. This method can be called several times to add multiple CRS.

     // register the CRS first...
    '+proj=utm +zone=5 +ellps=clrk66 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs');

    // ...then create the instance
    const instance = new Instance({ crs: 'EPSG:102115' });


    • name: string

      the short name, or EPSG code to identify this CRS.

    • value: string

      the CRS definition, either in proj syntax, or in WKT syntax.

    Returns void