Class Entity<TEventMap, TUserData>Abstract

Abstract base class for all entities in Giro3D. The Entity is the core component of Giro3D and represent an updatable object that is added to an Instance.

The class inherits three.js' EventDispatcher.

The userData property

The userData property can be used to attach custom data to the entity, in a type safe manner. It is recommended to use this property instead of attaching arbitrary properties to the object:

type MyCustomUserData = {
creationDate: Date;
owner: string;
const entity: Entity<MyCustomUserData> = ...;

entity.userData.creationDate =;
entity.userData.owner = 'John Doe';


The lifetime of an entity follows this pattern: when the entity is added to an instance, its preprocess method is called. When the promise returned by this method resolves, the entity can be used in the main loop, where the update methods (see below) will be used to update the entity over time. Finally, when the entity is removed from the instance, its dispose method is called to cleanup memory.

The update methods

This class exposes three methods to update the object:

A note on "parts"

The notion of "part to be updated" is entity-specific. For example, if the entity is a tiled map, the parts may be map tiles. If the entity is a point cloud, it may be point clusters, and so on. On the other hand, if the entity is not made of distinct objects, the "part to update" may be the entity itself, or a dummy object.

const instance = new Instance(...);
const entity = new Entity('exampleEntity');

Type Parameters

Hierarchy (view full)




id: string

The unique identifier of this entity.

isEntity: boolean = ...

Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type Entity.

name: undefined | string

The name of this entity.

type: string

The name of the type of this object.

userData: TUserData

An object that can be used to store custom data about the Entity.


  • get frozen(): boolean
  • Gets or sets the frozen status of this entity. A frozen entity is still visible but will not be updated automatically.

    Useful for debugging purposes.

    Returns boolean

  • set frozen(v): void
  • Parameters

    • v: boolean

    Returns void

  • get loading(): boolean
  • Gets whether this entity is currently loading data.

    Returns boolean

  • get progress(): number
  • Gets the current loading progress (between 0 and 1). Note: This property is only meaningful if loading is true.

    Returns number

  • get ready(): boolean
  • Determine if this entity is ready to use.

    Returns boolean


  • Disposes this entity and all resources associated with it.

    The default implementation of this method does nothing. You should implement it in your custom entities to handle any special logic of disposal.

    For example: disposing materials, geometries, stopping HTTP requests, etc.

    Returns void

  • Filters what objects need to be updated, based on updatedSources. The returned objects are then passed to preUpdate and postUpdate.

    Inherited classes should override shouldFullUpdate and shouldUpdate if they need to change this behavior.


    • updateSources: Set<unknown>

      Sources that triggered an update

    Returns Set<unknown>

    Set of objects to update

  • Notifies the parent instance that a change occured in the scene.


    • Optional source: unknown

    Returns void

  • Method called after Entity.update.


    • context: Context

      the update context.

    • changeSources: Set<unknown>

      the objects that triggered an update step. This is useful to filter out unnecessary updates if no sources are relevant to this entity. For example, if one of the sources is a camera that moved during the previous frame, any entity that depends on the camera's field of view should be updated.

    Returns void

  • This method is called just before update() to filter and select which elements should be actually updated. For example, in the case of complex entities made of a hierarchy of elements, the entire hierarchy may not need to be updated.

    Use this method to optimize the update step by reducing the number of elements to process.

    Note: if this functions returns nothing, update() will not be called.


    • context: Context

      the update context.

    • changeSources: Set<unknown>

      the objects that triggered an update step. This is useful to filter out unnecessary updates if no sources are relevant to this entity. For example, if one of the sources is a camera that moved during the previous frame, any entity that depends on the camera's field of view should be updated.

    Returns null | unknown[]

    the elements to update during update().

  • Asynchronously preprocess the entity. This method may be overriden to perform any operation that must be done before the entity can be used in the scene, such as fetching metadata about a dataset, etc.


    • _opts: EntityPreprocessOptions

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that resolves when the entity is ready to be used.

  • This method is called before update to check if the MainLoop should try to update this entity or not. For better performances, it should return false if the entity has no impact on the rendering (e.g. the element is not visible).

    The inherited child can completely ignore this value if it makes sense.

    Returns boolean

    true if should check for update

  • This method is called at the beginning of the update step to determine if we should do a full render of the object. This should be the case if, for instance, the source is the camera.

    You can override this depending on your needs. The inherited child should not ignore this value, it should do a boolean OR, e.g.: return super.shouldFullUpdate(updateSource) || this.contains(updateSource);


    • updateSource: unknown

      Source of change

    Returns boolean

    true if requires a full update of this object

  • This method is called at the beginning of the update step to determine if we should re-render updateSource. Not used when shouldFullUpdate returns true.

    You can override this depending on your needs. The inherited child should not ignore this value, it should do a boolean OR, e.g.: return super.shouldUpdate(updateSource) || this.contains(updateSource);


    • updateSource: unknown

      Source of change

    Returns boolean

    true if requires an update of updateSource

  • Performs an update on an element of the entity.

    Note: this method will be called for each element returned by preUpdate().


    • context: Context

      the update context. This is the same object that the entity whose update() is being called.

    • element: unknown

      the element to update. This is one of the elements returned by preUpdate.

    Returns undefined | null | unknown[]

    New elements to update