Create a new instance of DirectionalLightShadow
Enables automatic updates of the light's shadow. If you do not require dynamic lighting / shadows, you may set this to false
Shadow map bias, how much to add or subtract from the normalized depth when deciding whether a surface is in shadow.
The amount of samples to use when blurring a VSM shadow map.
The light's view of the world.
The intensity of the shadow. The default is 1
. Valid values are in the range [0, 1]
isRead-only flag to check if a given object is of type DirectionalLightShadow.
The depth map generated using the internal camera; a location beyond a pixel's depth is in shadow. Computed internally during rendering.
The distribution map generated using the internal camera; an occlusion is calculated based on the distribution of depths. Computed internally during rendering.
A THREE.Vector2 | Vector2 defining the width and height of the shadow map.
Model to shadow camera space, to compute location and depth in shadow map. Stored in a Matrix4.
When set to true
, shadow maps will be updated in the next render
If you have set autoUpdate to false
, you will need to set this property to true
and then make a render call to update the light's shadow.
Defines how much the position used to query the shadow map is offset along the object normal.
Setting this to values greater than 1 will blur the edges of the shadow.toi
High values will cause unwanted banding effects in the shadows - a greater mapSize will allow for a higher value to be used here before these effects become visible. @remark If {@link THREE.WebGLRenderer.shadowMap.type | WebGLRenderer.shadowMap.type is set to PCFSoftShadowMap, radius has no effect and it is recommended to increase softness by decreasing mapSize instead.
Creates a new LightShadow with the same properties as this one.
recursive: booleanCopies value of all the properties from the {@link LightShadow | source} to this Light.
Serialize this LightShadow.
Update the matrices for the camera and shadow, used internally by the renderer.
The light for which the shadow is being rendered.
This is used internally by DirectionalLights for calculating shadows. Unlike the other shadow classes, this uses an THREE.OrthographicCamera | OrthographicCamera to calculate the shadows, rather than a THREE.PerspectiveCamera | PerspectiveCamera
This is because light rays from a THREE.DirectionalLight | DirectionalLight are parallel.