interface MaskLayerOptions {
    backgroundColor?: ColorRepresentation;
    colorMap?: ColorMap;
    computeMinMax?: boolean;
    extent?: Extent;
    interpretation?: Interpretation;
    maskMode?: MaskMode;
    name?: string;
    noDataOptions?: NoDataOptions;
    preloadImages?: boolean;
    resolutionFactor?: number;
    showEmptyTextures?: boolean;
    showTileBorders?: boolean;
    source: ImageSource<ImageSourceEvents>;

Hierarchy (view full)


backgroundColor?: ColorRepresentation

The optional background color of the layer.

colorMap?: ColorMap

The optional color map to use.

computeMinMax?: boolean

Enables min/max computation of source images. Mainly used for elevation data.

extent?: Extent

The optional extent to use for this layer. If none is provided, then the extent from the source is used instead. The layer will not be visible outside this extent.

interpretation?: Interpretation

How to interpret the pixel data of the source.

maskMode?: MaskMode

How to interpret the mask.

name?: string

An optional name for this layer.

noDataOptions?: NoDataOptions

How to treat no-data values.

preloadImages?: boolean

Enables or disable preloading of low resolution fallback images. Those fallback images are used when no data is available yet on a particular region of the layer.

resolutionFactor?: number

The resolution factor applied to textures generated by this layer, compared to the pixel size of the targets. Default is 1. A value greater than one will create textures with a higher resolution than what is asked by the targets. For example, if a map tile has a texture size of 256*256, and a layer has a resolution factor of 2, the generated textures will have a size of 512*512 pixels.

showEmptyTextures?: boolean

Displays empty textures as colored rectangles.

showTileBorders?: boolean

Displays the border of source images.

The source of the layer.