Interface PickableFeatures<TFeature, TResult, TOptions>

Interface for Entity3Ds or Object3Ds implementing feature picking.

Implementing this enables the object to provide additional data on its picked results via Instance.pickObjectsAt() with pickFeatures option.

This interface uses several generic types:

  • TFeature represents the type of additional data on picked results,
  • TResult represents the type of results returned via picking with pickAt,
  • TOptions can define additional options for picking directly on this entity or on its features.

In case you are using a different type for TResult, you might want to also implement Pickable.

export interface PlyFeature {
color: Color
export class MyMesh extends Mesh implements PickableFeatures<MyFeature> {
public readonly isPickableFeatures = true;
pickFeaturesFrom(pickedResult: PickResult<MyFeature>): MyFeature[] {
if (this.geometry.hasAttribute('color') && pickedResult.face) {
const colors = this.geometry.getAttribute('color').array;
const face = pickedResult.face;

const color = new Color(
colors[face.a * 3],
colors[face.a * 3 + 1],
colors[face.a * 3 + 2]
const result = [{ color }];
pickedResult.features = result;
return result;

return [];
export interface IFCFeature {
ifcProperties: IFCProperty[],

export interface IFCPickResult extends PickResult<IFCFeature> {
isIFCPickResult: true;
entity: IfcEntity,
object: FragmentMesh,
features?: IFCFeature[];

export class IfcEntity
extends Entity3D
implements Pickable<IFCPickResult>, PickableFeatures<IFCFeature, IFCPickResult> {
readonly isIfcEntity = true;
readonly isPickableFeatures = true;

pick(canvasCoords: Vector2, options?: PickObjectsAtOptions): IFCPickResult[] {
return super.pick(canvasCoords, options).map((p) => ({
entity: this,
object: p.object as FragmentMesh,
isIFCPickResult: true,

pickFeaturesFrom(pickedResult: IFCPickResult): IFCFeature[] {
const mesh = pickedResult.object;
if (mesh.fragment && pickedResult.instanceId != undefined && pickedResult.face) {
const result = [{ itemProperties }];
pickedResult.features = result;
return result;
return [];
interface PickableFeatures<TFeature, TResult, TOptions> {
    isPickableFeatures: true;
    pickFeaturesFrom: ((pickedResult, options?) => TFeature[]);

Type Parameters

Implemented by


isPickableFeatures: true
pickFeaturesFrom: ((pickedResult, options?) => TFeature[])

Given a PickResult, returns and assigns its features.

Implementations must set pickedResult.features to the returned result.

Type declaration

