THREE.Color | Color of the shape, by default set to white (0xffffff).
currentThe current THREE.Path | Path that is being generated.
Array of THREE.Path | Path'ss.
typeA Read-only string to check if this
object type.
This creates a bezier curve from the currentPath's offset to x and y with cp1X, cp1Y and cp2X, cp2Y as control points and updates the currentPath's offset to x and y.
This creates a line from the currentPath's offset to X and Y and updates the offset to X and Y.
Expects a Float
Expects a Float
Starts a new THREE.Path | Path and calls THREE.Path.moveTo | Path.moveTo( x, y ) on that THREE.Path | Path
Expects a Float
Expects a Float
Also points currentPath to that THREE.Path | Path.
This creates a quadratic curve from the currentPath's offset to x and y with cpX and cpY as control point and updates the currentPath's offset to x and y.
Connects a new THREE.SplineCurve | SplineCurve onto the currentPath.
This class is used to convert a series of shapes to an array of THREE.Path | Path's, for example an SVG shape to a path.