parameters is an object with one or more properties defining the material's appearance.

interface MeshBasicMaterialParameters {
    alphaHash?: boolean;
    alphaMap?: null | Texture;
    alphaTest?: number;
    alphaToCoverage?: boolean;
    aoMap?: null | Texture;
    aoMapIntensity?: number;
    blendAlpha?: number;
    blendColor?: ColorRepresentation;
    blendDst?: BlendingDstFactor;
    blendDstAlpha?: number;
    blendEquation?: BlendingEquation;
    blendEquationAlpha?: number;
    blending?: Blending;
        | 200
        | 201
        | 202
        | 203
        | 204
        | 205
        | 206
        | 207
        | 208
        | 209
        | 211
        | 212
        | 213
        | 214
        | 210;
    blendSrcAlpha?: number;
    clipIntersection?: boolean;
    clippingPlanes?: Plane[];
    clipShadows?: boolean;
    color?: ColorRepresentation;
    colorWrite?: boolean;
    combine?: Combine;
    defines?: any;
    depthFunc?: DepthModes;
    depthTest?: boolean;
    depthWrite?: boolean;
    dithering?: boolean;
    envMap?: null | Texture;
    envMapRotation?: Euler;
    fog?: boolean;
    forceSinglePass?: boolean;
    format?: PixelFormat;
    lightMap?: null | Texture;
    lightMapIntensity?: number;
    map?: null | Texture;
    name?: string;
    opacity?: number;
    polygonOffset?: boolean;
    polygonOffsetFactor?: number;
    polygonOffsetUnits?: number;
        | null
        | "highp"
        | "mediump"
        | "lowp";
    premultipliedAlpha?: boolean;
    reflectivity?: number;
    refractionRatio?: number;
    shadowSide?: Side;
    side?: Side;
    specularMap?: null | Texture;
    stencilFail?: StencilOp;
    stencilFunc?: StencilFunc;
    stencilFuncMask?: number;
    stencilRef?: number;
    stencilWrite?: boolean;
    stencilWriteMask?: number;
    stencilZFail?: StencilOp;
    stencilZPass?: StencilOp;
    toneMapped?: boolean;
    transparent?: boolean;
    userData?: Record<string, any>;
    vertexColors?: boolean;
    visible?: boolean;
    wireframe?: boolean;
    wireframeLinecap?: string;
    wireframeLinejoin?: string;
    wireframeLinewidth?: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


alphaHash?: boolean
alphaMap?: null | Texture
alphaTest?: number
alphaToCoverage?: boolean
aoMap?: null | Texture
aoMapIntensity?: number
blendAlpha?: number
blendColor?: ColorRepresentation
blendDstAlpha?: number
blendEquation?: BlendingEquation
blendEquationAlpha?: number
blending?: Blending
    | 200
    | 201
    | 202
    | 203
    | 204
    | 205
    | 206
    | 207
    | 208
    | 209
    | 211
    | 212
    | 213
    | 214
    | 210
blendSrcAlpha?: number
clipIntersection?: boolean
clippingPlanes?: Plane[]
clipShadows?: boolean
colorWrite?: boolean
combine?: Combine
defines?: any
depthFunc?: DepthModes
depthTest?: boolean
depthWrite?: boolean
dithering?: boolean
envMap?: null | Texture
envMapRotation?: Euler
fog?: boolean
forceSinglePass?: boolean
format?: PixelFormat
lightMap?: null | Texture
lightMapIntensity?: number
map?: null | Texture
name?: string
opacity?: number
polygonOffset?: boolean
polygonOffsetFactor?: number
polygonOffsetUnits?: number
    | null
    | "highp"
    | "mediump"
    | "lowp"
premultipliedAlpha?: boolean
reflectivity?: number
refractionRatio?: number
shadowSide?: Side
side?: Side
specularMap?: null | Texture
stencilFail?: StencilOp
stencilFunc?: StencilFunc
stencilFuncMask?: number
stencilRef?: number
stencilWrite?: boolean
stencilWriteMask?: number
stencilZFail?: StencilOp
stencilZPass?: StencilOp
toneMapped?: boolean
transparent?: boolean
userData?: Record<string, any>
vertexColors?: boolean
visible?: boolean
wireframe?: boolean
wireframeLinecap?: string
wireframeLinejoin?: string
wireframeLinewidth?: number