interface WmsSourceOptions {
    colorSpace?: ColorSpace;
    containsFn?: CustomContainsFn;
    extent?: Extent;
    flipY?: boolean;
    format?: ImageFormat;
    imageFormat: string;
    is8bit?: boolean;
    layer: string | string[];
    noDataValue?: number;
    params?: Record<string, unknown>;
    projection: string;
    synchronous?: boolean;
    url: string;

Hierarchy (view full)


colorSpace?: ColorSpace

The custom color space of the generated textures. See for more information. If unspecified, the source considers that 8-bit images are in the sRGB color space, otherwise NoColorSpace.

containsFn?: CustomContainsFn

The custom function to test if a given extent is contained in this source. Note: we assume this function accepts extents in this source's CRS.

extent?: Extent

The optional extent of the source. If not provided, it will be computed from the source.

flipY?: boolean

Should images be flipped vertically during composition ?

format?: ImageFormat

The optional image decoder.

imageFormat: string

The image format (e.g image/png).

is8bit?: boolean

The data type of images generated. For regular color images, this should be true. For images with a high dynamic range, or images that requires additional processing, this should be false.

layer: string | string[]

The name of the WMS layer, or layers to use.

noDataValue?: number

The optional no-data value.

params?: Record<string, unknown>

Additional params to pass to the WMS service.

projection: string

The projection of the layer.

synchronous?: boolean

Is this source able to generate images synchronously ?

url: string

The URL to the WMS service.