An array of Matrix4s that represent the inverse of the matrixWorld of the individual bones.
The array buffer holding the bone data when using a vertex texture.
The DataTexture holding the bone data when using a vertex texture.
The array of Bones.
Note this is a copy of the original array, not a reference, so you can modify the original array without effecting this one.
UUID of this object instance.
This gets automatically assigned and shouldn't be edited.
Generates the boneInverses array if not provided in the constructor.
Computes an instance of DataTexture in order to pass the bone data more efficiently to the shader
The texture is assigned to boneTexture.
Updates the boneMatrices and boneTexture after changing the bones
This is called automatically by the WebGLRenderer if the Skeleton is used with a SkinnedMesh.
Use an array of bones to create a Skeleton that can be used by a SkinnedMesh.