Interface PointCloudSource<TEventMap>

Provides point cloud data.

interface PointCloudSource<TEventMap> {
    id: string;
    isMemoryUsage: true;
    ready: boolean;
    type: string;
    get loading(): boolean;
    get progress(): number;
    addEventListener<T>(type: T, listener: EventListener<TEventMap[T], T, PointCloudSource<TEventMap>>): void;
    dispatchEvent<T>(event: BaseEvent<T> & TEventMap[T]): void;
    dispose(): void;
    getHierarchy(): Promise<PointCloudNode>;
    getMemoryUsage(context: GetMemoryUsageContext): void;
    getMetadata(): Promise<PointCloudMetadata>;
    getNodeData(params: GetNodeDataOptions): Promise<PointCloudNodeData>;
    hasEventListener<T>(type: T, listener: EventListener<TEventMap[T], T, PointCloudSource<TEventMap>>): boolean;
    initialize(): Promise<PointCloudSource<TEventMap>>;
    removeEventListener<T>(type: T, listener: EventListener<TEventMap[T], T, PointCloudSource<TEventMap>>): void;

Type Parameters

Hierarchy (view full)


id: string

Readonly flag to indicate that his object implements MemoryUsage.

ready: boolean

A flag that indicates that the source is ready to use. This flag should be true when initialize has finished.

type: string

The name of the source implementation.


  • get loading(): boolean
  • Gets whether the object is currently performing an asynchronous operation.

    Returns boolean

  • get progress(): number
  • Returns the percentage of progress, in normalized value (i.e in the [0, 1] range), of the asynchronous operations that are scheduled to run on this object. 1 means that all operations have finished.

    Returns number


  • Adds a listener to an event type.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends string


    Returns void

  • Fire an event type.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends string


    Returns void

  • Checks if listener is added to an event type.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends string


    Returns boolean